Thousands of miles away but still on campus.

  • During my time as a Marketing Communications Associate, we wanted to find a way to make students, staff and faculty feel part of the Rotman community virtually. Despite government regulations preventing campus visits, we came up with the simplest - yet most effective way to do so digitally by creating zoom backgrounds of the most popular locations on campus.

  • We set out to gather photos of the most popular locations on campus and create custom zoom backgrounds to achieve a feel of campus at home. Before choosing the final 8 photos, we reached out to the internal team at Rotman and researched what photos resonated the most with the team. We then distributed these photos across email, social media, blog posts, and word of mouth.

  • Over the last year, we got over 200 downloads between students, staff, and faculty, and the number still keeps growing. The original blog post linked below has gained over 5000 views within its first year of being published.

    The different backgrounds available to choose from led to conversations and reminiscence of campus life and memories made during zoom meetings.


Uber-Honest Iced Tea


Iris the Dragon Refresh/